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The Rising Trend of “Do As I Say” Cream in Ghana: A Call for Spiritual Strength among Young Men


In recent times, there has been a growing trend among young women in Ghana who are resorting to the use of a mystical cream known as “Do As I Say” to control their partners. This phenomenon has raised concerns among various stakeholders in society, as it poses a threat to the well-being and future of young men in the country. This article delves into the implications of this trend and emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth for young men to protect themselves from the manipulative intentions of these “clout demon” women.

The “Do As I Say” Cream Phenomenon

The “Do As I Say” cream, which is believed to have originated from the practice of juju or black magic, has gained popularity among young women in Ghana. These women use the cream to manipulate and control their partners, making them do their bidding without question. The cream is applied to the body, and its effects are believed to be potent enough to make the man lose his free will and become submissive to the woman’s desires.

Interestingly, the cream was initially intended to be used on politicians and leaders to make them more accountable and responsive to the needs of the people. However, young women have found a different use for it, targeting young men who are building their futures instead of focusing on the leaders who should be held accountable.

The Need for Spiritual Growth among Young Men

The rising popularity of the “Do As I Say” cream among young women in Ghana highlights the need for young men to be vigilant and prioritize their spiritual growth. By developing a strong spiritual foundation, young men can protect themselves from the manipulative intentions of women who resort to using juju or black magic to control their partners.

Working on one’s spirituality involves cultivating a deep connection with a higher power, understanding one’s purpose in life, and developing moral values that guide one’s actions. This spiritual strength can act as a shield against negative energies and manipulative intentions, ensuring that young men can maintain control over their lives and make decisions that align with their goals and aspirations.


The “Do As I Say” cream phenomenon in Ghana is a troubling trend that poses a threat to the well-being and future of young men in the country. It is crucial for young men to recognize the importance of spiritual growth and work on developing their spiritual strength to protect themselves from the manipulative intentions of “clout demon” women. By doing so, they can ensure that they maintain control over their lives and build a future that aligns with their goals and aspirations.

Creative Mind

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