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OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman in Advanced Talks to Secure $100M for WorldCoin Crypto Project



Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, is making waves yet again in the tech world as he enters advanced talks to secure $100 million for his new crypto venture, WorldCoin. The project aims to revolutionize the way we look at digital identity and global finance, with the ultimate goal of bringing equitable global distribution of digital currencies and AI-UBI.

WorldCoin intends to use a unique approach to prove that users are not robots by scanning their irises, a process known as “proof of personhood.” The hope is that this will both improve digital identity and help ensure that digital currencies are distributed fairly across the globe.

According to WorldCoin’s website, the project’s vision is to create a more inclusive global economy by weaving together digital identity, distributed ledger technology, and advanced artificial intelligence to provide financial access to the unbanked and underserved populations around the world.

If successful, WorldCoin could become a game-changing development in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency. The project is certainly ambitious, but with Altman at the helm, anything is possible. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting development.


Creative Mind

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